Welcome to the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology!
The Austrian original Edmund Sackbauer, alias Mundl, is known for his pithy sayings. His sometimes irreverent rebelliousness may well be considered a philosophical virtue of subtle resistance to the impositions of everyday life.
Let his trenchant, true-to-life word creations accompany you through our institute.
What we deal with:
At the Institute, we supervise philosophical subjects within the framework of studies at the Faculty of Theology, and we also welcome students from other faculties to attend our courses.
In research, our interests lie in contemporary and interdisciplinary problems.
What we stand up for
Philosophicum - Series of Events
Annual panel discussion, organized by the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology in cooperation with the Catholic University Community Graz.
Current book publications
You can see our research topics from our team's book publications .... and also read about them.
TimeArt (ZeitKunst)
Various art exhibitions of renowned artists in the art corridor of the University Center of Theology
Smart Regulation
We cooperate with the profile area Smart Regulation of the University of Graz and bring in especially anthropological topics there.

Fachoberinspektorin Renate Zmuck
+43 316 380 - 3155
Office Management
Heinrichstraße 78B/I
A-8010 Graz
Parteienverkehr: Mo-Fr 10:00-12:00 Uhr